Pastor James Moss

How is it created? Does everything that penetrates our thoughts create a set of images? We have a problem if we don’t make an effort to control the entry way to our thoughts and more precisely what ever we receive. The Bible over 2000 years old has been way ahead of us in that. The Israelites took control of their children at an early age monitoring what they received and even went so far as to direct their thought process in what ever direction seemed right. 

Today man is driven by images that have no possible value. The idea is to get a  controlling thought into your mind and with that thought build on it until you are in the control of the originator of it. In this year of political fighting for the U.S. Presidential nomination I have never seen imagery used so skillfully. They have men who are degreed in the idea of spin doctoring a certain situation until the way it is portrayed in no way resembles the situation that occurred. They call that degree by a form of Journalism. I believe the Bible said in the last day that men would believe a lie and be dammed. Right now men are in such need for a real leader that they will accept anything that resembles truth from them.

  The shameful thing of it is that major ministries use these people to so construe a situation until it might make the ministry involved to appear as workers of miracles. So imagery can become like a picture from a coloring book that children play with and never really has meaning until the last space is colored in.
What’s the point in this? We have some churches or political groups that by this type of spin are teaching you how to think.

I was laying back in recliner wondering why men were struggling so hard with their definition of what the person of God really is to them?  If you don’t really have a clear image of God you will tend to depend on what other men feed you for your definition of a deity.  How many times when some one asks you a question that is based on things from Biblical sources find your self replying with what someone else told you?  When you come down to it, you began to realize you can’t define the person of God in your life. There has to be a way of creating that image in you the same way that God created you in the beginning. Is there really a one on one experience for you so that you don’t have to build your images of God from what the Pastor taught you from the Bible? One to one with God is it possible? A one to one God or is he only the God of the masses? How many times in the New Testament do you find the Lord just seeking out the one?, EXAMPLE ZACHEUS,  Yes there is Biblical information that puts desire for a one on one relationship with God as a prominent point of our lives.

How do we find the best way to build an image of God in our lives?  It usually begins at home with good parenting. The father is a role model for God the Father and can create an image in the household of what the presence of God in the house can mean through his own relationship with the Lord. The Father’s image to the family is a principle in causing the definition of what it means to point out where you live as your home and not just your house.

Image in the truest sense comes from exposure to quality environments in your life; as it creates desire to have that environment as part of you. A famous psychologist said along time back that every thing we come in contact with becomes part of our make-up either in the negative or positive framework of who we are.

Paul told the Philippians that they needed to seek for the mind frame of Christ to be theirs.  To establish the frame of our mind sets we must have a parameter of faith around us.  Paul told the Romans that faith comes only one way and that was exposure in hearing and hearing of God’s Word administered in anointed proclamation. Whenever as a child our parents desired for us to grow properly, well thought out nutritional foods were given to us so that our physical framework would mature. The spiritual man is said to have a frame that is exactly parallel to our physical to mature it must have a balanced spiritual nutrition on a regular basis. Bit by bit as you take in the Word of God the spiritual man grows. He is kept alive and functioning by setting a guard against what is allowed into our spiritual makeup.

A diet of ice cream and cake on a continual basis would produce a physical mess so a spiritual diet of little substance would produce a very weak spiritual structure. It would be a spiritual man that when attacked by the forces of hell would fall prey after a short resistance to them.  The spiritual man can be attacked physically as well but the secrets of God’s Word in the mouth of the anointed servant of God spell defeat for the enemy of God’s people.

A quick question; what do you see your spiritual man as?   Do you see your spiritual life as a strong and vital part of what you are?  Do you have any idea of what your useable inventory of the Word of God is?  That useable inventory is what makes up the image of God in you. What do I mean by useable? I mean portions of the Word that you have put to the test and have had results when you used it to stand on in whatever the situation might be.  That useable inventory many times will be the image of the Lord in you.

Pastor Jim