Wow, am I really doing this? Yes. And I'm doing this because I owe it to the Lord.

My name is Sallie Farafontoff from Seattle, Washington.  Not many of you know me well, or even know what my last two years have been like for me. They have been the hardest two years of my life.  It started in Feb of 2008.  My job ended, I lost my home and most of my belongings. I lost my self worth and even lost my will to go on. I lost my desire to hang around with Christians in the Pogo game rooms.

Two years ago I learned that I could never trust anyone again. After seeing everything disappear from my life, I spent 2 months at my daughters house. I was really in her way.  I knew I was in her way when she took her frustrations about me being there, on other people. Comments were another hint.   I got invited to move to Tn, from Pastor Kate, my online pastor. I went because she told me there was a thousand agencies there that were hiring caregivers. I also went just so I could be around Christians. So I can be around her and Don. Help the Ministry anyway I could.  From that I learned that things and people aren't always what they seem to be. Seven months later I made my way back to Seattle.

I went back to my daughters house. I got a job 2 weeks later, but it didn't last. I became ill. I was put in the hospital for an emercency surgery for 3 strangulated hernias. Came home a week later and re-admitted 3 days after that with my 3rd episode of meningitis. Everything it seemed just came crashing in on me.

My sister who lives in Oakville Wa. said there was an old trailor next to hers that I could move into. I jumped at it. So I moved to Oakville, stayed a whole year. She was right when she said old trailor. It was horrible. The filth and smell was almost all I could take. It took me a week to get it cleaned up enough to even think about moving into it. Then the owner came and threw some plywood down on the floor to cover up all the rotted holes. Then he layed carpeting. I went in again after the carpet was put in. The bathroom and kitchen were my first priority to clean and de-mold. I never really conquered the mold, it was all through the walls. I just learned to live with it and the fumes of bleach.  The windows in that trailor were very old. They were the 3 pane roll them open and roll them closed type. Well the roller was broken on all windows so they didnt close. Plastic was put up to keep the cold out. Thats what I was told anyway. The trailor was not insulated, that was the one thing they didnt lie about. Not everyone has a perfect family. In most families there are some unsaved relatives. Some of us even have abusive relatives. I knew what I was getting into, but I went anyway. I just wanted to get out of my daughters house so no more of what we had for each other would be distroyed.  The abuse and stealing from me is all behind me now, and here I am right now, the very last day of the year 2010.

God has given us all free will. We all have been given the choice to keep looking back or forward. When I look back today, right at this very minute, what I see is what I have learned. And I want to share this with you all. If it edifies you, if it grows you up spiritually, if it makes you want to shout His praises, then follow it with all your heart.

I thank the Lord for the last 2 years. I know God shows us things, like the picture Im seeing now. Its all the stuff I went through the last few years, even beyond that. Even from my childhood. I see a garden. All that stuff has been buried under the ground in that garden, still visible yet still buried. It's all taking root, but the soil has changed. It's become new soil, untainted, white as snow if you will. And growing up out of that soil is A NEW me. I'm still not perfect, but still so very much Loved by a Man called Jesus.And I do love Him. I need to say this as well. I know there was alot of talk going around while I was in TN and when I came back. To those of you who knew Pastor Kate, she was a great pastor, teacher, and friend. I trusted her and everything she said.But listen,,, She had that brain tumor while I was there. I didnt stay with the pastor Kate we all knew and loved.And you know what? I thank Jesus that it was only me that she leashed out on. I thank Him because after all I have been through, all the abuse, hurt, losing all I had, I can still stand on His promices. Guess what? I have a home now, and all I have lost was only a temperary loss.I have all I need to get by. I want to thank you all who do know me for being a part of my life.  Hopefully I'll meet more of you in the future.  I pray that 2011 will be a year of renewing spirits, hearts, building up people for His Glory.

God Bless you all. Sallie

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